As a creative intern at Work in Progress I worked with clients like: Dominos, Mikes Hard Lemonade, Waze and NUUN. Work In Progress, also known as WIP, is a full service innovation and advertisement agency with about 60 employees. 2022 Adage, A-list & Creativity: Agency standout.

WIP is agency of record for Dominos. Dominos is the biggest pizza chain and one of the biggest advertisers in the US. A lot of the work being done at WIP is for Domino’s and is without a doubt the bread and butter here, or should I say pizza?
I mainly worked on SoMe for Dominos, but also got to pitch in with ideas for breaching the gaming market, and tag along on a major production in colab with Netflix.

From small projects to the bigger ones. I didn't get to say much about the work between Dominos and Stranger Things, but it was cool to get a sense of how things work on the set in the big leauge. In general WIP work on a lot of TV commercial productions, since it's still a big deal in the US, which i loved!

All that pizza makes you thirsty, and luckily I got to do plenty of work for other clients at WIP. One of them was NUUN, that sells electrolytes in soluble tablets, for exercise and FAST hydration.
I won't go into detail here (If you invite me for a hydrating beverage i might tell you more), but my favourite ideas was:
1. Driving breakrooms for overworked delivery drivers.
2. E-sport waterboy tryout-games on Twitch.
3. A (non-alchocolic) water bar.

It was great to experience the American culture in all its crazy and greatness.
Here is a little montage from Superbowl, and what I learned that day.
Here is a little montage from Superbowl, and what I learned that day.